I Have a Problem

Posted in General by GWild on November 10, 2005 @ 05:45

I took a nerdiness test, the link for which I found on Jason Sweat’s site.

I believe it’s safe to say the results are conclusive:
Nerd Score

The result is not entirely accurate, however. For one of the answers regarding Friday night activities I chose ‘gaming/chat’ because ‘working out the bugs in your web engine’ or ‘reading forums’ were not on the list.

I would seek immediate medical attention, but I rather enjoy it…

I’m leaving Reno

Posted in General by GWild on October 26, 2005 @ 08:27

After a nearly three month process, I was successful in my bid for a promotion. I’m certainly glad that part of the process is over.

I will be moving to (greater) Denver for my new job, at a time to be determined later by the powers that be. I’m still with the same company, so this is a major promotion as well as transfer.

Although I have (charitably) ‘rough’ php/OOP ability, I did find it satisfying that my web dev ability was the deciding factor in my being selected for the job.

In fact, the first project on which I’ll be working is building a website. I have a basic engine written which I use for all similar types of sites, but this is on a much larger scale. I look forward to the task ahead. They have modest requirements so far, and we all know that requirements never change. Right? 😉

I will, however, investigate whether or not I can make use of C# (my company is ALL about MS products, and I’m surprised that they support php – which happens to be v4.3.0). If the server configuration supports C# I can use this as an opportunity to learn that language. So it’s php for now, and hopefully C# just ahead.

Sell the house, pack the belongings, and off to the rockies.

Ruby on Sitepoint

Posted in General by GWild on September 23, 2005 @ 07:01

Sitepoint now has a Ruby forum.

I’m just starting to look at Ruby, so this is a welcome addition. This is particularly good news in light of the fact that some serious programming talent, such as Marcus Baker, Jason Sweat, et al are already posting there.

Essential PHP Security

Posted in General by GWild on September 12, 2005 @ 16:58

Chris Shiflett‘s new book Essential PHP Security is now available for preorder at Amazon.com.

If the security of your php code is important to you, the addition of this volume will be worth the cost.

A Visit to the Trainyard

Posted in General by GWild on @ 08:10

After hearing mention of the Ruby programming language I did some reading about it this past weekend. Ruby sounds interesting to me in my ongoing effort to learn more about OOP.

In my reading I found references to a web application development framework called Ruby on Rails (RoR), which is written entirely in Ruby itself. I downloaded RoR, tweaked Apache to run FastCGI, and took a look.

It appears that applications written using RoR follow the MVC pattern. So far it appears to be a pretty slick framework. I will next gather documentation and tutorials for RoR and do more exploration.

I wasn’t planning on learning a new language – I’m still very new to my current workhorse php – but I like the fact that Ruby is strictly OOP.

A small work project which I was hoping to do in C# was recently cancelled, so I think I’ll fill that study time with Ruby for now.

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